In attendance: Di, Barbara, Sandy, Dottie, Maureen, Angie, Fran, Bobbie, Lynn, Mary, Terri & Iris
Meeting called to order by Diane.
Subject: EDAC - do we want to do table favors for next year. Vote = yes. Sandy appointed to be in charge.
Volunteers to assist = Di, Barbara, Dottie, Angie, Fran, Bobbie, Mary, Terri.
By-Laws state we will have a table at the Desert Quilters Show. There was no interest in having a sale table.
Conversation on last month's minutes on Mary's log.
We were asked if we would do centerpieces for the DQ Retreat, Sept. 24 - 26. Theme is to be Halloween. The consensus was to be witches. They will need 10 centerpieces @ 12 x 15. Terri volunteered to have us at her home. She has a lot of patterns and can do great faces. The task is to be completed by August. Will email the final date. This can be a "do whatever you want to do."
Treasurer's report from Bobbie: $1824.82 with more to be reported from checks being received,
Minutes of last meeting were approved.
Sandy reported on Marilyn Husted class. She has Pro-Sculpt for class. Those who have paid: Fran, Micki, Linda, Lynn (for Bobbie), Mary, Diane, Jeri, Dottie, Maryanne, Angie, Barbara and Teri (for Iris). Date of class is Sept. 25 - 26. $25 fee paid. In August Sandy will collect fee for class. It is around $100. If you are not there in August, please see that Sandy will have your money.
Maureen reported on class with Wendy Lynn Reinhart next May. 3 - day class: cloth or clay. She is coming from Canada and discussed cost of class. She will be either flying in or driving down and needs someone to host her. No dogs or cats, please. Also, she requests her own room. We need more details about cost of travel and shipping. Maureen possible host if the class is in clay. She will be at EDAC and we will get more info.
No newsletter for May.
Lynn introduced a challenge for masks: can be either stick or fixed. Prizes will be awarded: $40 for 1st place; $30 for 2nd place; $20 for 3rd place. We want to be able to display them in January. Memebers can enter up to 3 masks. Lynn will send out more info. Di: What is theme? Any style & fabric, mixed media, more men than women?
Several shouild have full face: beautiful to macabre. Need 14 total. Any extras can be used as raffle cash prizes and free tickets to the show. Questions can be emailed to Lynn.
Much Ado About Nothing is the play Silverdollers credit in program and newspaper.
DQ swap meet on July 15.
Do we want to be involved in quilts for Ronald McDonald House? DQ will donate $100 for each circle to complete quilt. We voted to give $100 to another circle to do quilt; possibly Art Quilts.
Items from floor:
Lynn talked about small toys to be sent to soldiers project "Changing the World - One Child At A Time". Lynn will collect at any meeting to be shipped overseas.
Teri doll class retreat @ Boulder City Hotel: $275. More info to come later. Comment made that it seems like there is so much coming in September.
Thank you to Barbara for the Trash to Treasures that were donated to us from your friend. It was great fun and we can all bring things to share. EDAC will take any things left if we have any. Mary told us she shipped by Greyhound bus and it was very reasonable.
Show and tell: Maureen and Dottie showed us the lovely dolls they completed in Fran's doll class.
Maureen is teaching the 'woven doll' she brought to show us.
Sandy asked for inspiration on her 'mouse in the canon'; great moon; solution for the net.
Teri - 4th of July doll.
Bobbie's 'house fairy' doll; shell doll.
Di showed her 'strong man' and 'vintage pin cushion' that is now a developed pattern.
Mary showed her 'motor mama' and how it was executed; long tongue and burnt toes.
Bobbie: grandma dolls = 2 bodies, same pattern.
Jeri had her mouse 'snake charmer' and '2 jugglers'.
We will use as many as possible for centerpieces.
Angie showed the corset we will be making in October and her jacket made from a sweatshirt.
Lunch program by Teri who showed us how to make the beautiful faces she is so well known for.
Meeting adjourned.
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