Tuesday, June 15, 2010

ArtHouse.com information

This meeting at Art Quilts, Ann Pugh introduced the topic of Art House's project of doing a "sketchbook". I found this to be really cool, and have signed up to do one on nightmares. For those of you who are also interested, please go to the following site:

It would be so COOOOOL to see our stuff in a travelling road show. Below is a little blurb about what Art House projects are all about.

We believe in education Educational Discounts
Art House projects are a great way to inspire students to work in a different platform then they may be used to. We offer discounts for all our projects for groups of 4 or more coming from an educational institution. The discounts typically range from 1-3 dollars per submission but do vary depending on the project. We have projects that fit a mold of many different areas. Most of our projects are extremely open and allow for the teacher to adapt the project into their current lesson plan.

For educational groups of 100 or more we offer different packages including a live presentation with the art house creators and for big enough groups we offer an exhibition housed at your school.
Group Discounts
Art House offers discounts on all projects for groups of 10 or more. This offer is open to anyone from a group of friends, to a bunch of coworkers. The discount is typically 1-3 dollars off per submission and includes discounted shipping when shipping charges are applied.

Special group discounts
We offer special discounts for groups of children psychiatric facilities, art therapist, medical hospitals and other groups that fit into these categories. Please contact us for more info on these special discounted rates.


Please email Steven to organize a group.

More info?
Please contact Steven for more info on groups. Please include the type of group and the number of participants you plan on having. We accept checks, money orders, Paypal and all major credit cards for group orders.


If you came to this site to view the minutes for the May meeting of the Silver Doll-ers, you will want to go to the below blog.


This was entirely the fault of yours truly, Mary Ashcraft, and I apologize. However, you will get a chance to see the work of the Art Quilters, and some more of my oh-so-wonderful opinions. Enjoy!

Las Vegas Silver Doll-ers (whoops!)

Those of you who have been reading this blog have become accustomed to seeing the news for the Art Quilters, and for ME! Well, I also belong to the Las Vegas Silver Doll-ers, and maintain their blog. Due to my communication error, and lack of training expertise, I gave the information to our doll of a secretary for posting to the wrong site! Oops! The bonus baby is, I guess, that you get to see the information about yet MORE of my friends! Anyway, they were my friends until I did this. If you have any complaints, please read disclaimer in the above title block! ha ha. Hugs, Mary

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Minutes of the May 15 meeting held at Boulder City Library.
In attendance were: Diane, Lynn, Mary, Micki, Bobbie, Louise, Dottie, Fran, Maureen, Jeri, Sandy, and Iris.
Meeting was called to order.

Diane talked about and asked for opinions on the mermaid challenge wanting to do over the project to know more about how your project came to be and learn more about the artist. Bobbie wanted to keep the outcome of the judging the same; decided to let it go and possibly bring it back as a show and tell.
Money OK'd for the awards.

Talked about amount allocated for the cost of each class at $5 per person for the supplies of that class only and not to be for profit of the one giving the class.

Lynn found out that we can be at Boulder City in September.

By-laws will be going out to everyone via email, with corrections, by Dottie.

Mary talked about her blog spot, and asked if we were interested in donating table decorations for the Sept. quilt retreat. 12" x 15" tall. Bring into the August or the September meeting at the latest. Voted to do whatever you want to do and these will not be returned. Please keep in mind that this is for a quilt group and the amount of work you put into it is entirely up to you. These are the people who volunteered to do the project for All Hallows Eve celebration: Diane, Lynn, Sandy, Mary, Micki, Bobbie, Dottie, Fran, Jeri, Iris and Teri and Maryanne who were not present. Teri has a pattern for a witch and Mary said keep it fun.

Ann Puge would like to come and talk with us considering getting a doll judge for the 2011 Desert Quilt show, and they would be willing to donate $50. Consider a judge that would take into consideration clothing and amount of work into producing a doll. Need to move quickly so they know we want a judge and they should know by next month. Possible class to take advantage of having this judge. Everyone was in agreement that we would like to have a doll judge. Asked Fran to look into finding us a teacher-judge. DQ show is also open to non-doll club members, who would also be included in the judging process.

Set up committee to decide what categories should apply. Volunteers were Maureen, Fran, Lynn, Micki and Diane. Members can email suggestions for categories. Fran has critique forms for doll judging. Board meeting for DQ is the first Monday of the month. Would like to be able to inform them who the judge will be.

Possible teacher-judge Jean Bernard mentioned as consideration but we need to know ASAP. Need to know the dates of the show. We have several weeks before the dolls have to be entered into the show as they can be judged and then placed into show.

Mary can put into DQ Chatter when we will be having our meeting so others can bring dolls to be judged at that time. Then they will be awarded ribbons at the show.

Bobbie asked if we were going to have a booth again next year and, if so, if we have sellers, that someone who is selling be in the booth at all times to relieve those who are not selling. Also do we want to be in the show because of the cost since we did not get a lot of interest in joining the club out of it. Micki stated that she would like to table this discussion for a later time because the discussion could possibly become heated. Discussion was put on the agenda for next month meeting but since Micki will be gone next month, the discussion was tabled until August meeting.

Bobbie gave the Treasurer's report: $1576.32 balance forwarded; working on a budget and will compare to previous years what we paid to the teachers. Billed only for the amount of supplies for programs. $150 is allocated for charity

Corrections to last minutes: spelled Lynn name wrong. Sorry.

Sandy has a deposit for $351 from class. She wanted to know who received extra epoxy at the class. Asked for a show of hands. She has not heard from Marilyn. Workshop is full.

Maureen told us about a teacher, Wendy Lynn Rinehart, and showed pictures of what she teaches. She is from Canada and would charge us $325 a day for 12 - 14 students and $35 per student over 15. Need to check cost of her coming and her shipping to us. Maureen has sent her a questionnaire and she would like to come teach us. She can come at any time. She is teaching class at EDAC. Mary will put her info on our blog spot so you can decide if we would like her to come next year. Also teacher Christine would be agreeable to teach us. Mary will also put this info on the blog so we have all information available to us.

Lynn: awesome job on the newsletter!!

Micki suggested we have a list with information from each of us: who, what and why; colors, mediums, etc. Suggestions for profile to Micki and Maryann.

Lynn, can you take on DQ Chatter, due 15th of month? To go to Mary.

EDAC chairperson Micki showed mice for show: 3 from Micki; Maryann's; Dottie's; Angie's; Bobbie's; Iris'. Still to come: Teri, Jeri, Sandy and Diane.

Sandy brought labels for people to sign to be put on bottom of star. Thank you for participating.

Mary brought cards that were not sent out.

Lynn proposed making masks for theater group doing the play 'Much Ado About Nothing'. Cash challenge of face masks needs to be done by January and need 15 - 20. Production to be in April. Will be on display. We have more info.

Show and Tell:
Bobbie: wall hanging = Humpty Dumpty on a wall.
Dottie: doll chair from Jean's class.
Lynn: finished her chair from class.
Micki: corset for a class project. (Iris will do this.) ((Barbara Willis pattern.))


Program: doll stand with teacher, Lynn.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Iris Pucine.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The June Challenge

This month the challenge was issued by Peg Cummings who encouraged us to create a piece that revealed something that was hidden. Each of the following pieces does just that in a very unique way. We look forward to seeing what Peg has created as she was unable to attend this month. She was dealing with a family crisis and was so sorry to missing our meeting. We missed you too, Peg.

This sea scape by Karen Garth contains tintzel, angelina, and paint. I can't remember what was hidden and revealed here, but I would guess that it was hidden from all of us that Karen can also paint!

Janett Rice Showed us her piece inspired by the oil spill in the Gulf./ The top layer was created on nylon net onto which she fused copied print from newspapers, and fabric indicating the size of the spill. Upon lifting up the net, the picture on the right shows the 3500 offshore wells in the gulf. What a sobering piece, Janett, but what an inspiration for all of us.

Dian Lamb made this piece in memory of her mother using roving for the hair, and texture magic for the daisies. We need you to move back from Texas, Dian!

This is my Moto-Mama. She is revealing that there is not very much going on in her head, but she's a happy driver in her little blue car. She is very happy to be finished. Notice her burned toes - they're touching the road all the time! The fenders have been painted with gel medium that contains microbeads made of glass and is colored with blue lumiere paint. She was constructed from wire covered with warm and natural batting and covered with Aves apoxie sculpt. The hair is yarn and ribbon, also touched with the same microbead mixture. The wheels were salvaged from a toy purchased from the thrift shop. No planning, just letting my very fertile imagination run wild created this all terrain shopper. Hope you have fun looking at her!

Our "After the meeting class"

Marka Harwell-Bentley did a brief class after the meeting about ATCs (artist trading cards), and also showed us some examples of fabric postcards. She then passed out playing cards to those who were interested in completing them to bring to the July sale and trade. What a really fun thing to do. I can't wait to start mine. These small projects are so much fun, and often a real kick-start to bigger things when we're feeling a little stymied. Thanks, Marka!

Show and Tell by our many talented members

Sandy Leal completed tons and gobs of these pins for the Enchanted Doll Artist conference this July in Albuquerque. She used the DG-3 as shown in the photo to achieve a beautiful gloss finish. She and her business partners Diane Zammito and Linda Dufrene have the DG-3 available for sale for $10.

this pincushion was completed by Sandy Leal and presented to Margaret Illions as a thank you for Margaret's daughter-in-law. Sandy rebuilt the pincushion from a broken piece that the daughter-in-law had received from her grandmother. She also made a pattern which will be available for sale. Notice the lucite bead flowers on the top, and the copper labels above each section of the palm tree branches that identify each of the needle types stored.

Heidi Vogeney has completed her Memory of a New York winter art quilt. It was cool to look at it in the midst of a Las Vegas summer!

Susanne Mayfield just had her braces taken off, is about to finish up her home remodel, and soon will take a trip to France where she and her husband plan to share a French kiss at the Eifel Tower. So romantic, Susanne! And your smile is just beautiful.

Rickie Seifried had her piece framed (quite brilliantly, if I may say so) by Mary Ashcraft. She calls this her paper valentine, and it was framed with an open back so the wonderfully accurate stitching could be seen from the back when so desired.

Rickie Seifried did a monochromatic landscape. This photo didn't turn out at all well, but the piece was very nice.

Judy Hawkins completed a frog purse, and then decorated it with a piece of frog embroidery. Makes me jump for joy!

This highly embellished piece was completed by Karen (last name unknown) in a class taught by Janett Rice. Really beautiful with beading, raw edge applique, and lots of quilting.

Leslie Harrington was persuaded to show the purse she had made and was carrying. We liked the colors very much.

Ramona Finocchiaro calls this her bleeding hearts quilt. It was all hand quilted, and we were dazzled!

This Halloween quilt by Nancy Inbody has fussy cut witch pieces set in a pattern designed by Nancy. The photo to the right shows us how she has done the back of her quilt with pieces she had planned to use on the front, but didn't work out! Nice job, Nancy.

This appliqued piece was from a purchased pattern, and made by Nancy Inbody.

Linda Rhode shows us a wall hanging that she is working on. We look forward to seeing the finished piece. She wondered what the group would suggest as a finishing edge, and there were several suggestions - black, black and silver, or gold banding.

Linda Rhode has made dresses out of pillowcases to send to children in Africa.

This is the piece we saw by Ann Pugh last month when she showed us the possibilities for slicing the original quilted piece. She tells us that friends have named it after the oil spill for her, although that wasn't her original intention!

This piece is by Ann Pugh and celebrates the 25th anniversary of the quilt club. The star is in silver, which is the traditional color for the 25th.

Nancy Inbody, visiting us from San Diego, CA, shows us a piece of toille that she fussy cut and made into wall hangings for Christmas. She made 30 (!!!) of these to give for presents.

Karen Garth brought her finished piece from the Dena Crain class. She has added lots of embellishments, and has her own special label (Fur Butts). Pretty classy, Karen!

Ann Pugh has started her own contribution piece for the Ronald MacDonald house quilts. She is inspiring our group to make 30 quilts to replace the queen size ones that were made several years ago for this house. It was agreed that for July, each of us will bring two (2) pieces of 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" pieces of batik pieces (not pastels) that she, Karen Serra, and Linda Hirshfield will sew together. Other volunteers will be gladly accepted. The Desert Quilters will provide the batting, and if additional fabrics are needed, donations will be asked for from our members to make up the difference.

Janett Rice brought this piece, inspired by the class instructed by Joan Wolfrom. She has stretched the piece over foamcore

The above pieces were the result of a personal challenge between Dian Lamb (left) and Janett Rice (right) using candy wrappers and the same piece of blue fabric. What different results!

Dian Lamb shows us a piece she did for her son of his dog.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I was just advised by Susanne Mayfield that I gave her credit for work that was done by Thelma Moore ! Oops! Please take note, and if you're confused (as I often am), you are in good company.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The art quilt pieces (photo below) were inspired by Rickie's entry into Art Quilters' recent challenge. The group was invited to use recycled toilet paper rolls to create a piece of art. Rickie first stitched her toilet paper rolls to muslin, then painted with lumiere paints, then cut the pieces up and arranged them in a pleasing fashion. In my piece, in addition to tp rolls, I added some previously embellished fabrics. The black background was altered with bleach sprayed over a stencil, as were the orange fabrics. An old piece of canvas (once used to cover clay) was torn and painted. The next step was to cut the pieces (I chose strips), and then layering of more fabrics to create the finishing edges. Oh! I forgot to mention the razzle dazzle, the beads, the upholstery faux suede, and of course the pins that are still holding it together. Thanks, Rickie! I had so much fun.

OK! I know it's kind of weird, but I've been having a blast building this thing. Her final name has not yet been given, but Johnny affectionately refers to her as Motormouth. I guess that could be appropriate! She was started as a wire chair, then she developed a footrest that looked like a tongue. (As recognized by Sandy Leal!) From there, my own overactive imagination took charge, and she's evolved into a mobile mama. The wheels are from a child's toy purchased at the goodwill store, and the majority of the sculpting was done with Aves apoxie sculpt. Tune in as she completes her instructions to me for hair, accessories and trunk booty!

This agile fairy is perched on her own oh-so-special chair. The chair was inspired by a work session at Bobbye Kee's, and was formed with wire coat hangers, then wrapped with fabrics. My fairy has developed tail feathers (still in progress!!), and has a wonderful moving object (to be installed) in the side table. She will be finished..... ? ? soon. In the meantime, I had a wonderful time with my friends Teri and Bobbye putting it together. Can't wait to show you their pieces soon.

Recycled t-shirts

This shirt was totally destroyed by one over-eager dog who jumped up on me while I was holding a glass of fermented grape beverage. ha. Using some laser cut card stock (that was intended for scrapbooking) as a stencil and some acrylic paint, I sponged some color on the significant areas. Since this photo I've also added blue crystals in a random manner, and I feel quite fancy when wearing it.

I always loved this t-shirt, but time and life had left its marks on the front. The leaf applique has unfinished edges. I used glue stick long enuf to hold it in place for the straight stitch. Some neocolor II water soluble wax pastels are new toys for me, so they got used to add shadows and highlights using principles from the class with Joen Wolfrom. Too much fun.