Sunday, June 13, 2010

Minutes of the May 15 meeting held at Boulder City Library.
In attendance were: Diane, Lynn, Mary, Micki, Bobbie, Louise, Dottie, Fran, Maureen, Jeri, Sandy, and Iris.
Meeting was called to order.

Diane talked about and asked for opinions on the mermaid challenge wanting to do over the project to know more about how your project came to be and learn more about the artist. Bobbie wanted to keep the outcome of the judging the same; decided to let it go and possibly bring it back as a show and tell.
Money OK'd for the awards.

Talked about amount allocated for the cost of each class at $5 per person for the supplies of that class only and not to be for profit of the one giving the class.

Lynn found out that we can be at Boulder City in September.

By-laws will be going out to everyone via email, with corrections, by Dottie.

Mary talked about her blog spot, and asked if we were interested in donating table decorations for the Sept. quilt retreat. 12" x 15" tall. Bring into the August or the September meeting at the latest. Voted to do whatever you want to do and these will not be returned. Please keep in mind that this is for a quilt group and the amount of work you put into it is entirely up to you. These are the people who volunteered to do the project for All Hallows Eve celebration: Diane, Lynn, Sandy, Mary, Micki, Bobbie, Dottie, Fran, Jeri, Iris and Teri and Maryanne who were not present. Teri has a pattern for a witch and Mary said keep it fun.

Ann Puge would like to come and talk with us considering getting a doll judge for the 2011 Desert Quilt show, and they would be willing to donate $50. Consider a judge that would take into consideration clothing and amount of work into producing a doll. Need to move quickly so they know we want a judge and they should know by next month. Possible class to take advantage of having this judge. Everyone was in agreement that we would like to have a doll judge. Asked Fran to look into finding us a teacher-judge. DQ show is also open to non-doll club members, who would also be included in the judging process.

Set up committee to decide what categories should apply. Volunteers were Maureen, Fran, Lynn, Micki and Diane. Members can email suggestions for categories. Fran has critique forms for doll judging. Board meeting for DQ is the first Monday of the month. Would like to be able to inform them who the judge will be.

Possible teacher-judge Jean Bernard mentioned as consideration but we need to know ASAP. Need to know the dates of the show. We have several weeks before the dolls have to be entered into the show as they can be judged and then placed into show.

Mary can put into DQ Chatter when we will be having our meeting so others can bring dolls to be judged at that time. Then they will be awarded ribbons at the show.

Bobbie asked if we were going to have a booth again next year and, if so, if we have sellers, that someone who is selling be in the booth at all times to relieve those who are not selling. Also do we want to be in the show because of the cost since we did not get a lot of interest in joining the club out of it. Micki stated that she would like to table this discussion for a later time because the discussion could possibly become heated. Discussion was put on the agenda for next month meeting but since Micki will be gone next month, the discussion was tabled until August meeting.

Bobbie gave the Treasurer's report: $1576.32 balance forwarded; working on a budget and will compare to previous years what we paid to the teachers. Billed only for the amount of supplies for programs. $150 is allocated for charity

Corrections to last minutes: spelled Lynn name wrong. Sorry.

Sandy has a deposit for $351 from class. She wanted to know who received extra epoxy at the class. Asked for a show of hands. She has not heard from Marilyn. Workshop is full.

Maureen told us about a teacher, Wendy Lynn Rinehart, and showed pictures of what she teaches. She is from Canada and would charge us $325 a day for 12 - 14 students and $35 per student over 15. Need to check cost of her coming and her shipping to us. Maureen has sent her a questionnaire and she would like to come teach us. She can come at any time. She is teaching class at EDAC. Mary will put her info on our blog spot so you can decide if we would like her to come next year. Also teacher Christine would be agreeable to teach us. Mary will also put this info on the blog so we have all information available to us.

Lynn: awesome job on the newsletter!!

Micki suggested we have a list with information from each of us: who, what and why; colors, mediums, etc. Suggestions for profile to Micki and Maryann.

Lynn, can you take on DQ Chatter, due 15th of month? To go to Mary.

EDAC chairperson Micki showed mice for show: 3 from Micki; Maryann's; Dottie's; Angie's; Bobbie's; Iris'. Still to come: Teri, Jeri, Sandy and Diane.

Sandy brought labels for people to sign to be put on bottom of star. Thank you for participating.

Mary brought cards that were not sent out.

Lynn proposed making masks for theater group doing the play 'Much Ado About Nothing'. Cash challenge of face masks needs to be done by January and need 15 - 20. Production to be in April. Will be on display. We have more info.

Show and Tell:
Bobbie: wall hanging = Humpty Dumpty on a wall.
Dottie: doll chair from Jean's class.
Lynn: finished her chair from class.
Micki: corset for a class project. (Iris will do this.) ((Barbara Willis pattern.))


Program: doll stand with teacher, Lynn.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Iris Pucine.

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