Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Las Vegas Silver Doll-ers (whoops!)

Those of you who have been reading this blog have become accustomed to seeing the news for the Art Quilters, and for ME! Well, I also belong to the Las Vegas Silver Doll-ers, and maintain their blog. Due to my communication error, and lack of training expertise, I gave the information to our doll of a secretary for posting to the wrong site! Oops! The bonus baby is, I guess, that you get to see the information about yet MORE of my friends! Anyway, they were my friends until I did this. If you have any complaints, please read disclaimer in the above title block! ha ha. Hugs, Mary

1 comment:

Fran said...

ROFL!! Mary, I have no complains what so ever. To error is human and I think we all mess up sometimes. LOL LOL!!